3 Kitchen Remodel Design Secrets


Embarking on a kitchen remodeling journey? Brace yourself with the knowledge of three crucial secrets that wield unparalleled influence over every facet of your culinary haven. Surprisingly, these game-changers remain shrouded in relative silence within the remodeling discourse. In this blog post, we unveil these often-overlooked gems that can make or break your kitchen transformation. And, as a special treat, stay till the end for a bonus secret that promises to elevate your remodeling experience to new heights.

Secret #1- How Do You Use Your Kitchen?

Reflect on your daily routine and ponder: How do you utilize your kitchen space? In the intricate dance of daily life, your kitchen serves as a stage for countless activities. From breakfast rituals to midnight snacks, understanding your unique interactions with this space lays the foundation for a tailored and efficient culinary haven.
  1. Morning Brew Ritual: Start the day with the comforting routine of brewing that perfect cup of coffee or tea.
  2. Breakfast Prep: Whip up a nutritious breakfast to kickstart the day, whether it’s a hearty meal or a quick grab-and-go.
  3. Lunchbox Assembly Line: Pack lunches for yourself or family members with a streamlined assembly line of nutritious choices.
  4. Midday Snack Session: Satisfy those mid-afternoon cravings with a healthy snack or a quick energy boost.
  5. Dinner Creation: Engage in the art of preparing a well-balanced dinner, experimenting with flavors and textures.
  6. Family Dinner Time: Gather around the table for a shared family meal, fostering connection and conversation.
  7. Post-Dinner Cleanup: Tackle the post-dinner cleanup routine to maintain a tidy and organized kitchen space.
  8. Late-Night Nibbles: For those who indulge in late-night snacking, the kitchen might become a hub for quiet, midnight cravings.
  9. Meal Planning: Dedicate time to plan meals for the upcoming days, ensuring a mix of variety and nutrition.
  10. Bakers Kitchen: Use the kitchen as a creative outlet during the weekends, trying out new recipes or indulging in a bit of culinary experimentation.

Secret #2 – What Do You Hate About Your kitchen? 

Delving into the realm of kitchen critiques, several aspects may irk even the most seasoned guests. From cramped layouts hindering culinary creativity to outdated appliances causing operational hiccups, the functional pitfalls of a kitchen can be a source of frustration. Additionally, lack of organization and inadequate storage solutions often contribute to a less-than-ideal cooking environment, making it crucial to address these common grievances for an improved kitchen experience.
  1. Limited Counter Space:
    • Inadequate space for meal preparation and the placement of kitchen appliances.
  2. Outdated Appliances:
    • Frustration stemming from old, inefficient, or malfunctioning kitchen appliances.
  3. Poor Lighting:
    • Insufficient or poorly placed lighting that hampers visibility during cooking and meal preparation.
  4. Inadequate Storage:
    • Lack of well-organized and ample storage solutions, leading to cluttered countertops and cabinets.
  5. Cramped Layout:
    • A kitchen layout that feels cramped, restricting movement and hindering multiple cooks working simultaneously.
  6. Dated Decor:
    • Outdated or unappealing aesthetic elements that contribute to a less-than-inspiring kitchen atmosphere.
  7. Inefficient Workflow:
    • A kitchen design that disrupts the natural flow of cooking and meal preparation activities.
  8. Lack of Ventilation:
    • Poor ventilation systems leading to lingering cooking odors and potential air quality issues.
  9. Difficult-to-Clean Surfaces:
    • Surfaces that are challenging to clean and maintain, causing frustration in terms of kitchen hygiene.
  10. Inadequate Seating:
    • Lack of comfortable and practical seating options for dining or casual gatherings within the kitchen space.

Secret #3 – What do you expect from your kitchen

In the warmth of the kitchen, where laughter intertwines with the aroma of home-cooked meals, families forge enduring bonds, transforming ordinary moments into cherished memories. It’s the stage for not just culinary creations but also a canvas for creativity, a place where passions are kindled and generations come together to share stories and traditions. Beyond the practicality of meal preparation, the kitchen becomes a living, breathing space, a sanctuary for shared experiences that weave the fabric of our lives.
  1. Social Gatherings:
    • People expect their kitchen to be a hub for socializing, whether hosting friends for a dinner party or enjoying casual conversations over drinks.
  2. Family Bonding:
    • The kitchen often serves as a space for family activities, from cooking together to sharing meals and engaging in meaningful conversations.
  3. Cooking Classes or Workshops:
    • Individuals who are passionate about cooking may expect their kitchen to be a place where they can conduct or participate in cooking classes or workshops.
  4. Home Office Extension:
    • With the rise of remote work, some people expect their kitchen to double as a home office, allowing them to work while staying close to the heart of the home.
  5. Creative Culinary Experiments:
    • Cooking enthusiasts may view their kitchen as a laboratory for culinary creativity, experimenting with new recipes and techniques.
  6. Educational Activities for Children:
    • Parents expect the kitchen to be a space where children can learn about nutrition, cooking, and develop basic culinary skills in a supervised and interactive environment.
  7. A Quiet Place:
    • For the Early Riser, a comfortable place to sit and enjoy a cup of coffee while enjoying the silence before the Chaos.

Bonus Secret – What Moments do you want to have in your kitchen? More Importantly! What memories do you want your children to have growing in your home?

  • In the kitchen, as my mother passes down our family recipes, there’s an undeniable excitement that dances in the air. The scent of onions caramelizing, spices awakening, and the rhythmic bubbling of pots tell stories of the past. It’s more than just ingredients; it’s the essence of our family’s journey, and with each recipe taught, a new chapter unfolds, creating a sense of connection that transcends time.
  • The comforting smell of eggs, bacon, and freshly brewed coffee becomes a time machine, whisking me to the heart of cherished memories. As I learn the family recipes, there’s a sense of pride and joy, and the kitchen echoes with laughter. Sunday brunch isn’t just about the food; it’s a delicious link that binds us together through shared experiences and the aroma of timeless love.
  • Homework time with my dad is a special ritual that turns the kitchen into a haven of support and encouragement and a place of frustration. The scent of dinner wafts through the air, creating a backdrop for the shared excitement of conquering challenging assignments. The kitchen becomes a place not only for academic growth but also for the development of a strong bond between father and son.
  • In the kitchen, preparing breakfast for my partner is a culinary adventure. The scent of freshly cracked eggs meeting a hot pan, the aroma of toasting bread, and the rich fragrance of coffee brewing intertwine with the joy of creating a meal together. The kitchen becomes a space where the art of cooking becomes a shared language, fostering a sense of connection.

The Morning Connection Happens in the Kitchen

In the kitchen, saying goodbye with a kiss is a connection beyond words. The scent of breakfast lingers as our lips meet, and the feeling of his embrace becomes a comforting send-off. The kitchen becomes a haven where the daily departure is softened by the intimacy of shared moments and the lingering warmth of a parting kiss.


By Making a Journal of your kitchen Experiences:
  1. On how you currently use your kitchen,
  2. Capturing those frustrating moments in real time, and write them down.
  3. Critically think about how you expect your kitchen to perform.
  4. Plan on those Special Moments.
Give these to your designer, or if you are designing your own kitchen, you now know the problems to solve and have an overall general direction to take your new design that will seamlessly fit into your life.